Hi there

Evan Tana
Spin cycle…
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2013


Other than tweets, FB posts and Instagram shares, I really haven’t formally “published” anything since college so lets see how this goes. And, to be fair, what I “published” in college wasn’t exactly going to win a Pulitzer. The editorial column that my best friend and I wrote weekly for the Stanford Daily during our senior year was a poorly masked way for us to garner a legitimate invitation to the notorious quarterly staff dinner held at the now-defunct Compadres Mexican Bar and Grill. Funny how the 21-year old mind optimizes its time.

While we mostly had margaritas on our mind (and quite possibly chemically in our brains) when writing our satirical Sunday op-ed, we did succeed in creating a stir with our article “Cal is unequivocally better than Stanford.” It provoked a few hundred email replies and a good number of blog posts. Many years removed, few remember it, and our archive of articles seem to have been unceremoniously removed from the Stanford Daily website. Now you can only find remnants of our collegial efforts on Xanga sites authored by then Cal students if you Google “Stanford Daily Mark Slee Evan Tana”. So much for the Internet’s long memory. I guess it’s selective.

Hopefully this goes as well as, if not better than, that past attempt at publishing. I hope to write short to medium entries about anything that fascinates, puzzles or entertains me. I’m guessing that it’ll span observations that I have about my career, industry, leadership and life. I’m mostly looking at this “comeback” as an opportunity to get thoughts down on paper. I find that writing it down forces me to i) really take the time to think things through and ii) internalize and commit thoughts to memory. As a pleasant byproduct, maybe someone will find this interesting.

Overall though, I’d like this little “published space” to be an exercise in documenting the utter and joyful silliness of being human. While I hope I’ve grown a little more insightful and articulate since I last published, my greatest hope is that I haven’t taken life any more seriously than I did then. Here’s to dipping my toes into sharing more than 140 chars at a time…

