How to Generate Fresh Content


Brooke Lark

I will not sit here and tell you how important it is to have quality content. You already know that otherwise you would not be reading this article. That’s not entirely true. Maybe you were expecting something different, where for instance my title was not clear, or perhaps you just like my writing style.

Regardless of whatever prompted you to read my article, I presume you are struggling to develop new and innovative ideas for your blog. Don’t feel bad; everyone has the same issue.

The trick to overcoming this obstacle is to know your audience and be consistent. If you have already read my articles, you know what I mean. If you haven’t, you really should before you start working on your blog ideas. It will help.

Now, let’s get to the juicy part. How can you develop fresh and relevant ideas?

For that, we need to go back to your audience and the reason why you started the blog. Let’s break it down.

Scott Webb


Your audience is at the core of your business, so it is only logical for this to also be the starting point of your content creation. By knowing and analyzing your audience, you will know what to



Veronica Guguian, decoding stories into strategies
SPIN Ideas

I am a Marketing Strategist and a food lover. I started SPIN Ideas because I am passionate about stories. See more about what I do here: