Marketing in Numbers Digest #16

Anel Alcala
SPIN Ideas
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2021

Lead Nurturing is a personal matter.

Did you know that 65% of marketers don’t nurture their leads? That’s a lot of missed opportunities, opportunities left untapped.

Nowadays it is very important to stay up to date on what lead nurturing tactics are most effective and how they might evolve and change. A strategy that was highly effective a few years ago might not work at all today.

But first, let’s cover the basics: What is Lead Nurturing?

Lead nurturing is the process of engaging, supporting and building meaningful relationships with your customers by providing relevant content and information throughout every stage of the journey.

Unfortunately, not all leads generated by your marketing team are sales-ready, and while customers might be interested in your product or service, they most likely have some questions and concerns that need to be answered, which is where lead nurturing comes into play.

Lead nurturing can help a brand generate higher-quality leads, create more loyal customers and establish authority in their industry.

So, how can you make sure to get the best out of your lead nurturing?

Below are six lead nurturing methods marketers are using right now to effectively nurture and re-engage leads:

  1. Email performance: The best way to improve your email performance is by tracking how your current campaigns are performing.
  2. Retargeting: Social media retargeting can be the single most effective way to stay in front of your leads.
  3. Personalization: Lead nurturing is all about relationship building, and you can’t build relationships without listening to others. In other words, your interactions with leads need to be personalized.
  4. One-on-one interactions: Brands should include multiple personal touch points as part of the nurturing process. These personal interactions should be in between the automated processes, and they should be part of the funnel rather than outside of it.
  5. Content marketing: Focus on creating valuable content and promote it on the right channels; your content becomes a magnet that braces your business.
  6. Surveys: Your leads need to be approached with relevant, unobtrusive questions, and your actions need to strictly relate to their answers.

There is no one technique that works for all leads, of course, but your customers need to see you on social, hear your advice on your brand’s blog, and get updates from you via email. In essence, you need to be everywhere!

SPIN Ideas is a marketing strategy agency, focusing on startups and SMS. We help our clients find their place in the market and grow. You want to hear more about what we do and have monthly marketing updates, subscribe to SPIN Ideas’ Journal.



Anel Alcala
SPIN Ideas

Virtual Productivity Assistant providing remote support to successful entrepreneurs and small business owners to grow and scale their businesses.