Spinners’ Talks


Part One: Meet Ana

I was following Ana V. Martins from Amsterdive on Facebook and Instagram for a couple of years when, one day, I met her completely by chance at Creative Mornings. It was so great to finally meet her face-to-face. Because we already knew each other “online,” the transition to the “offline” world was natural.

We started chatting and getting to know one another. While talking about everything and nothing, in particular, we quickly realized we even have the same values, although we have totally different approaches when it comes to working.

I knew I wanted to collaborate with her but didn’t have a specific project in mind… at least not at that point.

However, we kept in touch and met several times afterward. This is how, while enjoying a nice cup of tea and discussing our work strategies, we decided to write an article together and share our different approaches when it comes to the creative process.

This is how Spinners’ Talks was born.

Part Two: How to kick-start a project and keep…



Veronica Guguian, decoding stories into strategies
SPIN Ideas

I am a Marketing Strategist and a food lover. I started SPIN Ideas because I am passionate about stories. See more about what I do here: https://spinideas.nl/