You have great content, but now what?


Agnieszka P

Anyone who creates on a regular basis knows writing a compelling article or producing an amazing video you are happy and proud of is not enough. Wait, what am I saying? Writing anything at all that is worth publishing and reading is simply not enough.

This might sound extremely disappointing. You probably spent hours, maybe even days, coming up with an idea, nurturing it, putting pen to paper, walking away frustrated, returning to try again and refine it until it’s just right. You know, the normal writing process. Once your idea is finally in written form, spelled out on paper, you can relish in that wonderful, accomplished feeling. No longer is it just a thought you play around with, as a cat does with a mouse. You did your research, and you used the right keywords. You spent outrageous amounts of time on different websites to find the right images to go along with your text, eventually deciding which ones to use and determining the best placement on the page.

At long last, the piece of content you worked so hard on is ready and uploaded to your blog. You hit “publish,” and ta-da! The moment you waited for and worked so incredibly hard for is here. Now it is out there for everyone to read, like, and share.

You wait. And you wait and wait, and check every minute to see how many people read it, like it, and comment on it. You…



Veronica Guguian, decoding stories into strategies
SPIN Ideas

I am a Marketing Strategist and a food lover. I started SPIN Ideas because I am passionate about stories. See more about what I do here: