The Lake of Lost Souls

Fictional Horror Story

Duane Michael
Spine Chilling Stories


A group of campers huddled around a crackling campfire, their faces illuminated by its warm glow, surrounded by the dark shadows of the forest.
Image created by author in Leonardo

In the midst of a dense forest, where even daylight struggles to pierce the shadows, lies a serene lake.

Its surface reflects the mysteries concealed beneath its depths, whispered legends speak of a curse binding its waters, drawing unsuspecting souls to their doom.

Few dare to tread near, returning with chilling tales that send shivers down the spine.

One moonless night, obscured by thick clouds, a group of intrepid campers stumbles upon the forbidden lake.

Ignoring cautionary whispers, they pitch their tents by the water’s edge, led by Sarah, a bold explorer with a curiosity bordering on recklessness.

Ignoring cautionary whispers, they pitch their tents by the water’s edge, led by Sarah, a bold explorer with a curiosity bordering on recklessness.
Image created by author in Leonardo

Her companions, Jake, Emily, and Alex, share her thirst for adventure, masking unease with laughter.

Around the crackling fire, Sarah weaves tales of the lake’s dark past, of lost souls trapped between realms, whispers carried on the breeze.

As the fire dims, they glimpse the true horror lurking beneath the surface.

A faint ripple breaks the stillness, whispers echo mournfully.



Duane Michael
Spine Chilling Stories

I am a creative visionary and storyteller, weaving my dreams into words. It is my goal that you will enjoy my words. 😊