Whispers in the Rain

Echoes of the Forgotten: A Haunting Tale of Rain, Shadows, and Souls

Duane Michael
Spine Chilling Stories


House on a dark street with lights on during rain
Image created by author in Leonardo.AI

Rain pelted against the windows like impatient fingertips tapping on glass. I sat alone in the dimly lit living room, the only source of light emanating from the occasional flicker of the TV.

The storm outside was relentless, a symphony of thunder and raindrops that drowned out any semblance of normalcy. It was the kind of night where shadows played tricks on your mind, and the familiar creaks of the house became haunting whispers.

My parents had left for a weekend getaway, leaving me alone in our centuries old family home. The sound of rain was supposed to be soothing, but tonight it felt like a sinister prelude to something unspeakable.

I tried to shake off the unease, convincing myself that it was just my overactive imagination. Still, the feeling of being watched lingered in the air, like a cold breath against the back of my neck.

I decided to distract myself with a movie, hoping the fictional world on the screen would provide solace from the ominous reality outside. As the protagonist faced her own fears, I couldn’t help but feel a growing sense of dread. The rain intensified, drumming on the roof like the gnarled fingers of some spectral entity seeking entrance.



Duane Michael
Spine Chilling Stories

I am a creative visionary and storyteller, weaving my dreams into words. It is my goal that you will enjoy my words. 😊