I Love Spinning Plates

Jordan Brace
Spinning Plates
Published in
2 min readMay 21, 2024

Vinyl Deli is nearly 5 years old, and its birthday is celebrated this Halloween. It’s a complete dream job; I feel like I’m living a dream most days.

I love music — it’s a lifelong obsession so why wouldn’t I create a business which serves one of my few passions?

At the same time, just because it’s a passion doesn’t mean I always want to talk music. It’s a private experience; although I love sharing the music I love with everyone possible and I’m more than happy to answer any questions you have on music and Vinyl Deli, the thought of writing content on music is one of nightmares.

As my background is in marketing, you’d think I’d be keen to promote and market Vinyl Deli through every avenue possible, and as I am so brand and value-focused, marketing through content and social media would be the first port of call.

Unfortunately, I’ve never been able to bring myself to it. I have grown to hate marketing during my career, and it’s been so refreshing and rewarding to build a business that doesn’t rely heavily on the tactics I used to employ day-to-day.

I am, however, more than happy to talk about the niche things to do with the business, music generally, and anything random that I can find some dotted line or vague link to Vinyl Deli.

I want an avenue to express myself how I want to. I do a lot and I want to do a lot more. I want somewhere I can share all my thoughts, music-related or not. They probably always will be business-related as sadly (or in my view, happily) that is what my life is dictated by.

And that’s what Spinning Plates is for — it’s a safe space for me to be free. It’s not directly associated with Vinyl Deli, so I can share anything I want, whether it’s about Vinyl Deli, Daily Music Recommendations or other budding businesses I am to start. It may not even be about business. Who knows.

I’m not promising anything regular, as I have found my commitment to Daily Music Recommendations has faltered as the income-generating parts of my businesses have had to be prioritised at times (so that I don’t go broke) — but when I have an inspiring thought or a story to tell and the time, I’ll be sharing it here.

Due to the spontaneity, I’d recommend you sign up for the newsletter at www.vinyldeli.com/spinning-plates/ — that’ll be the best way to get notified of any posts I publish.

It’ll be a lot of fun. I will only be sharing thoughts that excite me, and hopefully, they’ll excite you too.

Speak soon,



Jordan Brace
Spinning Plates

An entrepreneur documenting doing a lot with a little, pursuing innovation and redefinition by disrupting industry standards. Founder of Vinyl Deli and others.