— Influencer Marketing Solutions of SPIN Protocol against Fraud

SPIN Protocol
SPIN Protocol
Published in
2 min readAug 28, 2018

We are excited to announce the article regarding influencer marketing solutions of SPIN Protocol, is now live on!

With the rise and rise of influencer marketing, suppliers have been consistently increasing their budgets for influencer marketing. Right, the premise behind influencer marketing is that suppliers pay big money to people having massive followers on social media for promoting their products. For an influencer, the total following matters more than anything else.

This results in one major flaw of influencer marketing: fake followers. Sometimes influencers buy a couple thousand followers to boast their influence or start making money. It’s obviously not good for suppliers to be paying a massive amount money for fraudulent posts and auto-generated accounts.

SPIN Protocol aims to provide the transparent system for the influencer performance measurement, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Then only trusted influencers should get paid fairly depending on their actual power of sales conversion, making the marketplace originally productive.

Please check out the following link and find how SPIN Protocol solve the fraudulent influencers:

About SPIN Protocol
SPIN Protocol is a decentralized commerce ecosystem for social influencers. We empower suppliers to reach target influnecers directly without any intermediary parties to sell their products worldwide. Anyone could be an influencer of their interest, and monetize their fame by selling relevant products of their choice.

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SPIN Protocol
SPIN Protocol