By the Time I Got to Woodstock

An Illustrated Memoir of a Reluctant Hippie Chick (Part One)

Sharon Watts
3 min readMar 15, 2019


The 50th anniversary of Woodstock is almost upon us. That is a milestone for “My Generation.” Who was I in 1969? A “good girl” from suburbia who had just gotten her driver’s license two days before the unprecedented cultural explosion we did not yet know would define our generation. Now I am an artist (who qualifies for senior discounts) revisiting my own long and winding road to Woodstock, armed with a sketchbook, a scrapbook, and always tuned in to quirky facts that amplify what was simply billed as “three days of peace and music.” As we now all know, it was so much more.

I will be excerpting parts of my illustrated memoir, and the book will be available late Spring. More info and updates as they happen here.

