Newsletter 66: I watch the movie and think: It’s me, it’s me, it’s me

Edith Zimmerman
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3 min readJan 26, 2020

Hello and welcome to the latest Spiralbound newsletter! This is where we link to the stories we ran recently. I also have another newsletter to hawk today. It’s called Drawing Links, and I started it last month after quitting my day job. It’s a personal newsletter in which I share comics about my life a few times a week, plus a roundup of weekly links. It’s still changing forms, but I’d love to know what you think.

Okay, onto the stories. They are especially excellent, if you ask me. Each is its own embodiment of what I envisioned this site becoming.

The Obscure Legacy of Stephen Dixon, by Nathan Gelgud

How an autobiographical novelist inspired me to try to beat death

I hadn’t heard anything about Dixon’s death, even though he’d been putting out books as recently as last year…


I Went to the Movies, by Anna Moriarty Lev

A diary comic about movies, death, moms, art, and babies

Mama’s been dead for 6.5 years…


A Visit to the Coal Mine, by Claire Barliant

Bringing my four-year-old to the oldest exhibition at Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry

I know. I’m revealing my true colors. I was never much for science OR industry. Except for one ride. Old Ben...


Well, that’s all for now, but we’ll be back this week with more.

In parting, here’s a frame from Nathan Gelgud’s story that I keep thinking about:

Thanks for reading.dith Z.



Edith Zimmerman

Spiralbound editor. Formerly at The Hairpin. Also now making a newsletter: