Beyond Time: The Eternal Potential of Human Realisation

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3 min readJul 29, 2024

“No star is ever lost we once have seen; We always may be what we might have been.” -Adelaide Anne Procter

I opened a vintage book, and here it was, on the dedication page, a handwritten quote, a message, a sign, call it as you wish. Was it a reflection of my latest anxiety of swaying away from my true path, or just a wink of the universe.

In our linear experience of life, we often perceive time as a relentless march forward, with each moment slipping irretrievably into the past. Time is both a constraint and a medium for self-realisation. Yet, a deeper examination of the concept of time reveals a more complex relationship between temporality and achieving one’s human potential.

What if our true nature transcends these temporal boundaries? What if, as poets and mystics have long suggested, there exists a realm of human consciousness that operates beyond the constraints of time?

Adelaide Anne Procter, a 19th-century English poet, captured this notion beautifully in her verse:

“No star is ever lost we once have seen;

We always may be what we might have been.”

These lines invite us to contemplate a profound truth.

Our essential being — our potential, dreams, and highest aspirations — exists in a state unbound by temporal limitations.

Such a perspective challenges our conventional notions of missed opportunities and irreversible decisions. Instead, it proposes a model of human consciousness where past, present, and future coexist and where our essence remains intact and accessible regardless of external circumstances.

Understanding ourselves through this lens of timelessness has profound implications:

  • It liberates us from the tyranny of past regrets and future anxieties, focusing instead on present potential.
  • It encourages a more holistic view of personal growth, where each moment holds the fullness of our being.
  • It suggests that the self is accessible at any point, independent of age or life stage.

If we consider human potential an inherent, timeless attribute rather than a time-bound possibility, we radically shift our approach to becoming our true selves. Instead of striving to become something in the future, we focus on unveiling or expressing what we truly already are.

Perhaps self-realisation is less about linear progress and more about aligning with one’s innate, timeless essence.

Embracing this perspective of timeless human potential doesn’t mean denying the practical realities of our day-to-day lives. Rather, it offers a broader context for understanding our lives. It reminds us that beneath the surface of our temporal existence flows an eternal current of possibility.

Procter’s words serve as both comfort and a call to action. Nothing truly valuable is ever lost while simultaneously urging us to remain open to the full scope of our being. In each moment, we have the opportunity to align more closely with our deepest potential — to become, in time, what we’ve always been beyond time.

As we navigate the complexities of our lives, may we remember this liberating truth. Our essence transcends the boundaries of time, and within us always lies the seed of our highest realisation.

Key Takeaways

  • Human potential and consciousness may transcend temporal boundaries
  • Self-realisation involves aligning with our timeless, innate essence
  • Our past experiences and future possibilities coexist in an eternal present
  • Time can be viewed as both a constraint and a medium for personal growth
  • Embracing timeless potential can liberate us from regrets and anxieties
  • Every moment holds the opportunity for self-realisation
  • Our true nature may be complete and unchanging, yet eternally unfolding

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