Introducing Spirals

Helena Merk
Spirals Protocol
Published in
4 min readJun 13, 2022

To building a better tomorrow, to being a good ancestor.

At Spirals, we bridge externalities into the economic model by building regenerative infra for the new economy.

This makes any action you do healing and contributing to the planet and our communities. By changing the rules of the game, we’re building a better Game of Life 🌱

The Future: Human Thriving

The year is 2070. We live in a world where natural assets are properly valued and no longer an externality of our economic system. Humanity recognizes that it is in their benefit to live within boundaries of our ecosystem. Humanity as a whole flourishes, thriving equitably.

The Now: Resource Exploitation

We should grow and protect the planet simply because that’s the right thing to do.

Because we have a responsibility to undo the bad effects we’ve had on biodiversity. Because we’ve been exploiting natural resources.

Currently, success is measured by maximizing GDP. We’ve over-optimized for exponential growth. Nothing sustainable can exponentially grow. We must, at some point, reuse resources! Nature has forever been cycling all of it’s components, and it’s about time we do the same.

We need to combine planetary boundaries with social boundaries to establish the safe space for humanity: to consume “just enough” that allow societies to thrive without harming the earth. This is described well in the Doughnut Economics model, designed by economist Kate Raworth.

We are pro growth, which is why we care deeply about making it sustainable.

Kate Raworth’s Donought Economics Concept; Drawn by @sha_zng

In order to operate within the doughnut economics model, we need to embed externalities into the core economic systems such that goods are properly priced.

If this results in a cost of goods too high, an open market will result in innovation to bring the cost down. Public Goods funding can also provide incentives to help achieve this. We’ve seen this with solar power — where massive subsidies for solar drove adoption and plummeted the price in less than a decade. It is now cheaper to get energy from solar than any other source.

We need to price these planetary resources into our economic model. To do so we must first financialize natural assets by tokenizing them.

By tokenizing externalities, we can embed them into the true cost of production and finally turn a system to be more sustainable.

We can create token economies around shared values. Our shared value, is protecting the planet. By believing there is value in natural assets, it gains value.

📣 The planet is only one of many externalities we need to bridge into our economic model. Moving beyond natural assets involves deciding which externalities we value enough to place into the cost of production. This is a cultural shift.

The Roadmap: Building Towards A Regenerative Future

The current economy is extractive, maximizing on growth and gains. The true cost of production, however, is left out. We push this cost onto the planet and individuals at the fringes of our society.

Source: Green Pilled book by Gitcoin; Drawn by @sha_zng

A regenerative system not only heals itself, but creates positive externalities through a feedback loop for humanity and public goods.

Start with the largest externality — carbon emissions — to combat the climate disaster.

We believe humanity is at an inflection point and don’t have long before we’ve made irreversible damage to our planet. We need to regenerate the biosphere and reimagine humanity’s place in it.

Tokenizing externalities allows us to factor them into cost of production.

We need to combine planetary boundaries with social boundaries to establish the inner safe space for humanity: to consume “just enough” that allow societies to thrive without harming the earth. To embed these planetary assets into our economic model, we must tokenize natural assets. By tokenizing externalities, we can embed them into the true cost of production and turn a system to be more sustainable.

Changing the system, not the players

We’re working to make the system inherently regenerative. We are making internet-native money operate on the rails of public goods.

Blockchain technology powers internet-native money, and is a great tool to address coordination failures that have plagued our society. These coordination failures have created systemic risks to humanity thriving and tackling them head on is long overdue.

With programmable money, we can quite literally program our values into money.

We’re building a world where simply using the blockchain funds public goods, directly voted upon by stakeholders of the network. Members quite literally will put their money with their values.

The You: Join Us In Rebuilding The World

We’re a team of optimistic builders, working towards building a more equitable and sustainable world, both for our generations and ones to follow.

Reach out!

What we look for

  • You believe we need to act with urgency to solve the climate crisis
  • You are intrinsically motivated, a go-getter
  • You love quick feedback loops
  • You are confident yet humble
  • You are radical
  • You are opinionated
  • You seek discomfort
  • You value learning about new cultures, ways of life
  • You like to be proven wrong

