Beat the Heat: 5 Fun Ways to Help Your Workplace Avoid the Summertime Blues

Miles Huff
Spire Labs
Published in
4 min readJun 29, 2017

Living in southeastern Tennessee, I would personally argue that summer arrived months ago, but now that the calendar and temperature have finally aligned, it’s official: my favorite season is in full swing. I will start by saying that I, without question, love all things that summer brings. I love the heat, I love the long days, I love being in the sun (a little chubby looks a lot better a little tan), I love being on the water, and so much more. If I were half as productive and motivated in winter as I am in summer, I think I could conquer the world…or at least not need as much coffee to get me through the day.

That being said, summer can also be a difficult time for many professionals, including myself. I love what I do here at Spire Labs, and while I enjoy the company of my teammates that doesn’t mean I don’t occasionally gaze longingly out the window while wishing I were sipping on a slushy beverage someplace tropical. So it’s safe to say, sure, I’ve experienced a mild case of the summertime blues. To me, the the summertime blues are a combination of heat exhaustion, added stress of trying to complete projects when team-members & clients are constantly out on vacation, and wishing you were outside, yourself.

You may be thinking, “Summer is for vacation — and vacation is fun!”

Yes, this is true. For many, summer is a time to escape reality with a vacation with friends or family. However, what companies probably don’t realize is that the summertime blues can pose a real threat to workplace productivity and team morale. Take a look at this article which discusses a study by that found 70% of people are more likely to look for another job after they return from vacation.

So, I want to throw out 5 options as to how your company can liven things up in the office during this summer season, keep your employees engaged, and beat the heat together!

  1. Host an office “open house” for family and friends. This doesn’t have to be anything extravagant, but some finger foods and friendly faces can go a long way. We spend most of our waking hours at work, and having our family see that space and meet our team can be very special. Not to mention, having the people your team is close to outside of the office also love your company is never a bad thing for morale. Bonus points if you can convince your team to wear tacky Hawaiian shirts.
  2. Two words: ice cream. It is hot, and no matter how health-conscious your team is, a deliciously cold treat is hard to resist on a hot afternoon. Pick up some supplies on your own to make a DIY ice cream sundae bar, or contact a local ice cream shop and have them come set up in the office. Never forget the childhood wisdom of “I scream, you scream, we all scream for…” and realize it is better that your team is screaming because of ice cream and not exhaustion.
  3. Take it outside. Organize a morning hike, grab some paddles and rent canoes, snag a frisbee and head to the park, or do absolutely anything to get your team outside for an extended lunch or team outing. Our team at Spire Labs is planning on a short hike to a local swimming area later this month, and we are all looking forward to growing together, outside of the office. The research behind the effects of exposure to natural elements is incredible — just check out this article, which lists a few of the benefits:

“Exposure to natural elements is associated with decreased levels of diastolic blood pressure, depression, and anxiety, and increased attentional capacity. Exposure to natural elements (e.g., green spaces) can reduce the impact of stress, increase psychological well-being, and support recovery from illness.”

4. Institute “Flexy Friday” in the office. Encourage your team to bring in comfortable/workout clothes, and host beginner-friendly yoga sessions on Friday as a way to unwind from the week and prepare for a (hopefully) relaxing weekend. Bring in an instructor, or find a free resource (here’s one of our favorites) to get you started!

5. Catch a game. Whether or not the team is full of sports fans (definitely not me), it is hard for anyone to dislike getting outside and cheering on a local sports team. Many teams have daytime games during their season, often at a discounted rate for corporate guests. Check for corporate rates or discounts, grab some sunscreen and a hot dog, and get ready for a fun-filled afternoon with your team at the ball field.

I hope you enjoy these ideas — and I would love to hear any other ideas you have for helping your team avoid the summertime blues!



Miles Huff
Spire Labs

CHA Chamber Senior Director, Whole30 believer, outdoor enthusiast, lover of caffeine and office supplies