Does Spring Increase Workplace Productivity?

Brittany Roth
Spire Labs
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2017

Why you should encourage your employees to get outside.

The long-awaited arrival of Spring is finally here. With sunny skies, longer days, and warmer weather, Spring is the perfect time to encourage your employees to embrace a healthy lifestyle. Here are 4 reasons why you (and your employees) should get outside and enjoy Spring!

Increased Productivity with More Sunshine
Sunlight exposure increases your body’s Vitamin D levels. Vitamin D has many benefits, from providing higher energy levels to keeping your bones strong and healthy. Low levels of Vitamin D are associated with reduced employee work productivity. Even though Vitamin D is so important for your health, a Central Washington University study claims that 77% of people are Vitamin D deficient because they don’t get enough sunlight.

More Activity = Fewer Absences
If you are like me, you’re more motivated to exercise when it’s nice outside. When the sun is shining, it’s hard to stay inside. One study showed that you are more active in warmer months and less active in colder months and active employees are less likely to get sick. Just 2 ½ hours of activity a week lead to a noticeable reduction in absences.

Better Moods
So, there might not be a significant correlation between mood and temperature, but there is evidence that winter creates a pent-up demand for nice days, so that when they finally arrive, they make us feel measurably better. There’s something about seeing sun for the first time after months of gray skies that boosts your mood and makes you happier; and happier employees are more productive. A study found that happiness leads to a 12% spike in productivity, while unhappy employees were 10% less productive.

Improved Memory and Creativity
A University of Michigan study found that people who spent at least 30 minutes outside during periods of pleasant weather reported improved memory and openness to new information and creative thoughts. If you see the sun shining, make it a point to get up from your desk and take a 30-minute walk during your lunch break — you’ll find that your afternoons will become increasingly more productive.

It’s probably not surprising that warm weather has positive effects on your mind and body. Spring presents the perfect time to educate and motivate your employees on adopting a healthy lifestyle.

With temperatures rising, how are you encouraging your employees to get outside?



Brittany Roth
Spire Labs

Spending my days dreaming about my next meal and managing accounts @Spire Labs