How to Show Your Co-workers You’re Thankful

Amber Cox
Spire Labs
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2016

Did you know that the simple act of showing appreciation, can increase your wellness, better your sleeping habits, and lessen stress & depression? It’s true, and now may be the time that you need it, more than ever.

While November brings many people an opportunity to celebrate family, food, fun, and football, planning (or even just attending!) the ultimate family gathering often brings added stress, anxiety, and what feels like a never ending workload. Our to-do lists get longer while our days seemingly get shorter– so, whether your family life is a boost or a burden, this time of year is one when our social support groups at work matter the most.

Often times, it’s our co-workers who understand us in a unique way, because they see our daily grind, up close and professional. Chances are, your co-workers have seen it all: the good, the bad, and the I-was-up-all-night-finishing-this-project-and-now-the-client-doesn’t-want-it-are-you-serious!? reactions. Whether they’re helping you meet a deadline, teaching you a new skill, or just taking the edge off a rough day with a well-timed joke, we’ve all got that colleague (or, hopefully, a few!) that makes work-life bearable.

So, this Thanksgiving season, before frantically jetting out of the office to take on your “101 Things To Do Before the Holiday” list, make it a point to show your coworkers just how thankful you are for them.

There are plenty of ways to do this, but Katie Douthwaite Wolf’s post on The Muse really inspired us. Here are the tips Katie recommended, and how we would apply them:

Give a Straightforward (and Specific) Compliment

This is the most obvious one, but it’s a classic for a reason: Want to make sure your co-worker knows you appreciate her? Walk up to her desk or office and give her a genuine, straightforward thank you. To make the most impact, mention what you’re specifically grateful for: “Christine, thank you so much for jumping in and helping me with my presentation yesterday. I know it was a late night, and I really appreciate you taking the extra time to make sure it was perfect. I couldn’t have done it without you!”

Speak Up in a Team Meeting

A one-on-one thank you is personal and effective, but there’s also room for more public appreciation — and a team meeting is the perfect place to recognize someone who’s helped you out recently. The public (but not over-the-top) recognition will make your colleague feel extra special — and it’ll help boost his or her value within the team.

Bring in a Treat

A small gift can go a long way… How about a snack? A Starbucks gift card? Hand-woven mittens? You decide! But throw in a quick note (“Thanks for your help with the Smith account. I couldn’t have done it without you!”), and your co-worker will have an inescapable case of the Warm ’n’ Fuzzies.

Email the Boss

Consider sending an email to his or her boss. The compliment on its own will make your colleague feel appreciated — but knowing that the boss also knows what he or she has done moves things beyond personal approval and becomes professional validation.

So, there it is. Regardless of how you show it, a little bit of appreciation in the workplace can go a long way. What do you think? What are some of your favorite ways to show co-workers that you care?



Amber Cox
Spire Labs

Engagement + Wellness @ Spire Labs/Peak, Sports Nutrition Coach, wife & bulldog mom. Based in Chattanooga, TN.