Character Engine 0.11.0 Released

Renee Gittins
Spirit AI
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2019

We’re pleased to announce the the 0.11.0 version of the Character Engine is now available, featuring in-tool testing and an improved save format. Here are the highlights of 0.11.0:

  • New flexible and version control friendly .sheaf Authoring format
  • New Play In Editor support. Test your Natural Language projects directly in the Authoring Tool
  • Ability to add new lines to dialog output with the NEW_LINE control tag
  • New CONDITION:KNOWLEDGE tag allows easier gating of content based on knowledge model state
  • Effect and Condition tags now support lists and list operators
  • Improvements to support of external classifiers
  • INPUT:ENTITY_TYPE tag lets you match lines on types of entities; use the [entity] replacement or variable to reference the specific match
  • Many bug fixes and quality of life improvements in Authoring Tool
  • SDK bug fixes and stability improvements
  • Improved Unicode support
  • Support for deterministic random through SetRandomGeneratorSeed API call

You can read more about the 0.11.0 core features in our recent feature blog post and our deep dive into flexible project files.

If you are a Spirit AI developer, you can find the 0.11.0 SDK and Authoring Tool on our Downloads page. If you are interested in the Character Engine and would like to apply for Beta access or to talk to our sales team, reach out to us at or



Renee Gittins
Spirit AI

Renee is a Solutions Architect at Spirit AI, and passionate advocate and connector for developers and diversity in the game industry.