The Emergence of the Dark Goddess

Our Earth in peril

Kelley Murphy
Spirit Alchemy
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2023


Image collage by Author in CanvaPro

In ancient Greece, the earth was personified by the goddess Gaia. She was a representation of fertility, abundance, and growth. In most stories, she’s depicted much like the archetypal Mother, nurturing, fertile, loving, and abundant.

However, she started a new narrative while we stared at our screens. We have only to look out the window to see signs of her unrest.

Gone is the benevolent, protective, nurturing side of the Mother. Over time she has become fierce and rageful from centuries of maltreatment, exploitation, and neglect.

The narrative of the Earth is now that of the dark goddesses, the shadow side of the mother, the vengeance-crazed wrath of a woman done wrong.

Who and what are the Dark Goddesses?

“Dark Goddess” refers to deities from various cultural mythologies concerned with death, destruction, transformation, and the underworld.

More and more women and men are feeling the call of these powerful energies, a plea for embodiment and wholeness. Much of the new awareness comes from the rising consciousness of the earth herself as she harnesses the power of her shadow side.

