spiritual alchemy/channeling

How Do You Know You’re Channeling She Asked

The tale of the accidental channeler

DL Nemeril
Spirit Alchemy


illustration of a young woman standing in front of a cracked tower with a colored doorway of adam and eve receiving stars streaming  into her head and heart.
It’s wonderful to have help to head and heart. IIlustration Kay Nielsen wikicommons public domain

“May we speak again?”

That’s how it started. Sitting on the floor in a circle, we fledgling channelers had all answered the same question. Then strange sensations started filling me, like I vibrated more rapidly. I was in a safe place and trusted the teacher, so I let it happen and spoke again. All I knew for sure was…

It was not me speaking.

I tried it out later with my then-husband who confirmed my suspicion. Different cadence, vocabulary, and accent. Voila, I was on my way to being a channeler. Not that I’d planned to do this mind you. I just wanted to deepen my intuition for my Shiatsu sessions.

It was 40 years ago. Gadzooks!!!
Sorry, I stopped breathing for a moment.

For a year I practiced with friends. When people outside my circle started calling, I began the remuneration dance with private sessions and groups. For the first few years, I passed through pure dread before a session. Would I get any information? Would it be helpful? Would I crash and burn? With about 2 exceptions (can’t please everyone), the sessions helped make a difference. Good enough for me.

Now after so long, I open up and let it flow. That’s my job. To get out of the way. Glamorous, no? I provide my connection to life on Earth and they, the actual channel, do the rest. (Channel/channeler, get it?)

Someone recently asked me — How do you know if you are channeling? And is channeling the same as tapping into the super-consciousness?

Before answering, I went to pick up my dum-dum award. What the hack was the super consciousness? Google threw me this.

The superconscious mind has a level of awareness that sees beyond material reality and taps into the energy/consciousness behind that reality. Some refer to this as the “ether” — the essence of the universe — a flow of electromagnetic waves that permeate all matter and space.

OK, I’m aware of that field but call it something else. Phew.

Here’s how I know on a physical level. I involuntarily take a few deep breaths and sit up straighter. There’s an impression something is drifting onto my head. When that something ‘settles’, I will get some images and I then let the voice come up. With a few modifications depending on the channel (I have 5 sources), that’s it.

For a deeper answer, a-channeling we must go. I connected and here’s what came in. I am referred to as ‘this one’. Apparently, names don’t cut it for the multi-dimensionals.

The short answer to the question is — everything is one and so there is no distinction between how something is conceived, perceived, or created. But we realize this is a rather unsatisfying answer. Let us break it down.

In channeling, as this one does it, a connection is made to other energies or consciousnesses from co-existing realms, simultaneous realities. They are not encased within a three-dimensional form, they are multi-dimensional. This makes them no less real than you, however. Only different.

Because they are outside of your reality and duality, and because they have had other experiences, they have a fuller perspective on many things.

Sometimes these energies approach an individual who appears receptive. Sometimes the individual, as was the case with this one, sends out the request. All is free will. Nothing is ever imposed.

How does one start?

The channeler learns to reach their vibration towards another realm via what you have called the super consciousness. And those in the other realm, adjust themselves so the two can meet. This becomes stronger over time and more can pass between them. The level of spiritual/ metaphysical experience and knowledge of the channeler also has an impact.

When one ‘connects’ to channel, it is a deliberate act, something done consciously. Be it direct voice, (As this one does.). Be it trance channel. Be it automatic writing. Etc.

In essence, the channel provides a conduit for these helper entities to speak through. One turns it on or off. This one had an experience very early on where she decided to channel while walking down the street to see what would change. It was put to a prompt halt by her source. The experiences are not compatible.

Another facet. It is mainly informational and the channeler is not the source of the information. Though their experiences, filters, and beliefs will impact what is shared. It is never a ‘pure’ transmission.

The information comes through visuals, sensations, feelings, emotions, as well as words. It is more of an experience, a sharing about a particular subject, topic, or message.

Channeling is ‘other than’ the person through whom the information passes. Nothing is black and white. There are overlaps. But this is the gist of it.

And there you have it from the horse’s mouth. You may believe this to be something else altogether. No worries. This is how it appears to me.

Any questions or experiences to share, put them in the comments or email me at dlnemeril@live.com
For more metaphysical musings, hit the email thingie to hear when I’m here.
Love and Blessings….

Gustav Klimt’s Beethoven Frieze, Secession Building, Vienna, 2 rows of women with faces uplifted and eyes closed. Their dresses fused into one made of gold swiggles and circles dotted with small flowers
We can all channel. Come join the club! Painting by Gustav Klimt on rawpexil.com public domain



DL Nemeril
Spirit Alchemy

Depending on the day, optimist, grump, counselor, artist. Explorer of inner worlds, sacred site junkie. Helping others on their path while discovering my own