Snake Oil? Nope, Snake Magic!

My recent encounter with the Serpent Goddess, Pt I

Kelley Murphy
Spirit Alchemy
Published in
4 min readFeb 18, 2023


Original artwork by Author, Kelley Murphy.
Original artwork By Author ~ My sister named it “Angry Uterus.”

She was massive and glorious in her shapeshifting form. One moment the alien face of a woman, and in a blink, she morphs into a giant golden serpent. It’s the Goddess, and she’s looking right at me.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always feared snakes. A deep, visceral, I freeze in your presence type fear. I’ve begun to see the deeply ingrained ideas and emotions Snake energy represents and have gained some clarity.

My goal is to enjoy seeing a snake this spring. Better hurry up-it’s getting warm outside.

Seeing the spiral

In 2017, I worked as an equine-assisted psychotherapist for a faith-based organization. While I was skeptical that the only team member who used “Universe” in place of “God” would be a good fit, I loved the work and a couple of my colleagues.

(Side note: My inherited resistance to the word “God” and its patriarchal associations delayed much of my spiritual awareness. Had I not been so turned off by the word, I may have started down this path decades ago.)

