Manifest your dream life as the Self

Ramona Feraru
Spirit embodied
Published in
6 min readNov 2, 2023
Me wearing a white dress with purple flowers doing a dance pose and my quote saying “If you find yourself with a body, dance your dance!”

The experience of individuality is a dream, an illusion. But it is not a mistake. You are one of the infinite ways in which the Absolute chose to know and love itself.

”The world is unreal” or ”the world is illusion” does not mean it does not exist. It means it is not what it appears to be. It is not this solid, objective and separate thing. But all is Consciousness and it is beautiful in all its dance, both as unmanifested and as manifested.

Thus, fixating in dismissing the world as separate and inexistent is just as deluded as fixating in pursuing it as separate and greater than you.

There are so many spiritual Masters who guide people back to the realization of the Self, And they are precious so needed. I myself have benefitted from my Master so much and I will timelessly feel deep gratitude for Him guiding me back to who I really am.

But the transcendental is being often sold as the promised land to settle in. This is why so many get fixated on that and do not allow themselves to go all the way and complete the circle by integrating the realization of their true identity in the worldly play of the human expression.

It is like an actor who first gets so absorbed in the role they play that they forget who they are in real life and completely identify with the character they play in the movie. This is the state of the majority of people, of billions of human beings who are asleep.

Afterwards, that the actor comes back to his senses and remembers who they are in the real life, realizing that they have been just playing a role all along. This is the state of the spiritual seekers who awaken to their true self.

Imagine that after actor realizes they are not the character they were playing, they start seeing the role and the movie itself as a mistake. And although still being in the costume and on the set, they dismiss everything as unreal and refuse to keep playing acting as if the movie and their role in the movie was the problem and NOT their forgetfulness of who they are in real life. This is what most of the spiritual people who awoke to who they are do. They refuse to live their lives fully and freely, unaware of their spiritual conditionings and limitations and this often leads to unhealed parts withing somatizing into physical diseases.

Going back to the actor analogy… Playing that certain role and character was the initial desire, intent or choice of the actor, isn’t it? But the Actor intended to play that role in the movie WITHOUT forgetting that they are the actor, right? And the prove of that is that in the moment of awakening the actor finds themselves on the set and wearing the costume.

The same with us. Even after the moment of realization of the Self we still find ourselves in this human expression, with a body, mind etc. But now, we have the beautiful opportunity of enjoying our play in the movie without forgetting our actor identity. For that we need to know well BOTH our actor identity AND the character we are supposed to play.

Pure timeless awareness wanted to play as you.

What is enlightenment or Self realization?

It is the remembrance of one’s true identity as the Self, meaning the pure and timeless awareness which alone is, in which everything is born, and which is aware of all. It is remembering who you are before the appearance of your body, mental activity and the constructed personality.

Many people say they are a soul, spirit or divine intelligence. Many people say they are consciousness or that they are not their body. But at the base of their statement there is only conceptual conviction. They heard these ideas somewhere, they resonated with them and they collected them as their own, investing belief and conviction in these.

Englightenment or self realisation is an intimate inward process which is not conditioned by conceptual understanding. It is just like awakening from a dream and coming back to one’s senses. This is why it is often called awakening.

On the spiritual path of self realization, in many different disciplines aimed towards enlightenment, there are certain steps which need to be taken in order to withdraw one’s attention from the outer and have it rest back in the I AM.

Thus one often needs to dismiss all the things they used to identify themselves with, such as

- the body,

- the mental activity,

- their name

- everything they learned about themselves

- the world they perceive through their senses and thus have always believed to be real.

Doing all these is essential in order to see the world in its actual unreality and in order to withdraw attention from the transient and let it rest back to its source, thus becoming aware once more of the pure consciousness that we are before any of its projections.

BUT… while this is an essential step in the process of Self realisation, too many fixate on it and use it as a permanent recipe of being. They “get stuck in the transcendental” and bashing their individual expression labeling it as ego and constantly dismissing the world as unreal, they deny themselves the possibility of living the perfect Self expression.

True freedom is when you realize that Water (The Absolute), Snow (pure presence/individual Consciousness) and Ice (ego/individual personality) are one and you acknowledge, love and enjoy them all as such.

No, I am not inviting you to recreate a self image constructed on borrowed ideas about yourself and to identify yourself with them, absolutely not, cause that would be indeed choosing bondage once more . And after one has already seen through the unreality of it all and woken up to their true Self, doing such thing would not only be stupid but, in my experience, also impossible. You cannot unsee what you have seen.

No, I always encourage you to question any idea you ever male up, borrow or utter about yourself.

Do not try to stick labels to the air. But, also do not go to the opposite extreme. Do not dismiss, contrive or repress your unique individual NATURAL expression.

Many mistake this with the same limited ego that they tried to get rid of in the first place when realising who they were.

But it is not so. First of all that “ego”, as they call it, or made-up limited persona humans wrongly identify with, is built of and rooted in unquestioned and collected fallacies and convictions. What I talking about does not come from any mental baggage, be it conscious or subconscious. No, it comes instead from and as the spontaneous expression of the “I” as individual consciousness.

You can notice it when you put several toddlers together. Each one will emanate a different fragrance and they will move, behave differently, following specific inner tendencies. This is not their ego, it is their natural, unique individual expression. It is what the Absolute lovingly chose to project out of itself so that it can know and love itself as this wonderful “I” that you are or, better said, that you came here to play as.

Will you allow Him to do so fully and joyfully?

If, as myself, you have been living your life either dismissing it, repressing it, denying it then the circumstances of the “reality” you live in most likely reflect that and thus your presently actualized world might not be favorable to you living as the “you” that you feel to live as.

And this is where this book may come in handy.

This is when you can reclaim and and start using the power of creation of the God in you which you were so lovingly endowed with when you were created in the image of the One.

Now that you have taken back your true position, sit on your throne and exercise your function, manifesting AS THE SELF.



Ramona Feraru
Spirit embodied

Exploring all levels of existence, from the transcendental to the human rawness.