A Friend Let A.I Write a Peace Manifest — The Result Silenced a Room Full of Scientists

What Jesus would say about the latest Israel — Palestine horror and my feedback

Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto


Source: Midjourney

Could A.I solve wars?

Why not use it as a tool to offer wisdom on burning topics? To give us a new perspective?

Like the latest Israel—Palestine horror.

Isn’t it symbolic that a wise man like Jesus lived in a place that is now torn apart by humanities harshest, most violent division?

What would it take to bring Jesus back alive and spread more words of love and wisdom?


Artificial Intelligence can do the job.

A friend of mine let A.I make a peace manifest. He let powerful wise people like Jesus and Martin Luther King speak. He discussed it with a group of high-profile scientists.

They were amazed by the level of wisdom and accuracy.

Let yourself be inspired by the latest words of Jesus, brought to us by A.I, and a joke at the end.

Jesus on the Israel — Palestine conflict

I stand before you as a humble messenger in the sacred realm of love, compassion, and…



Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto

For more truth bombs and weekly medicine to start living a more meaningful life, join the happy family back at my Substack https://lucienlecarme.substack.com