Bitcoin’s Price Will Collapse — This is Why

Here is the reality check you don’t like to see

Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto


Did you buy some Bitcoin along it’s way to the stars? Congratulation. You’ll be rich soon if you’re not loaded already.

Or you may lose it all tomorrow.

Since Bitcoin, our economy, the current money system, is a zero-sum game. Meaning, in the end, we’ll all lose when we keep on going like this.

Now you probably think; Shut up, let me celebrate the latest parabolic erection of the flagship currency of the world.

And you'd be totally right. You are the winner of the market. You got it all right, hopped in at the right moment, followed your friend's advice.

Here is my advice, not financial advice.

When you bought Bitcoin for over $50K, chances are you will lose your money rather sooner than later. O yeah, the party might last a little longer, you might have bought some more at $55k and watched some more moon boys YouTube videos.

Here is the reality check you don’t like to see.

The invisible hand of power is about to slap you in the face

Approximately 2% of accounts, the Bitcoin whales, own 95% of Bitcoin supply. Hey guys, just…



Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto

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