Dan Brown’s Inferno — Is The Prophecy Here?

A novel about a health crisis, the W.H.O and a billionaire believing he is saving the planet— sounds familiar?

Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto


Photo by Kuma Kum on Unsplash

The dark places in hell are reserved for those who remain aloof in times of moral crisis

These are the opening lines of Dan Brown’s fourth novel Inferno, spoken by Bertrand Zobrist, a very charismatic and popular bioscience billionaire.

Zobrist’s threat is directed towards Elisabeth Sinskey, head of the World Health Organization. Zobrist blames the W.H.O for looking the other way by denying the massive acceleration of the human population.

Zobrist is a transhumanist.

The members of this existing philosophical movement study the potential benefits and dangers and ethics of emerging technologies like nanotechnology and genetic manipulation that could overcome fundamental human limitations. (Wikipedia)

Dan Brown confronts the reader in Inferno with the following ethical puzzle: A red button is presented to you. When you press it, half the worlds population will be eradicated, including maybe yourself or your family. It’s random. You’ll make a huge offer for humanity because it will save us all in the long…



Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto

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