Did Putin Fall for the Globalists Agenda?

When you like to know where we’re headed, look at Russia

Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto
1 min readMar 16, 2022


Photo by Valery Tenevoy on Unsplash

For a moment I thought Putin was different.

Not the Schwab leather boots licking kind of guy, although he was a guest speaker in Davos a few times. Apparently, he got kicked out of the young global leaders chat group.

That speaks for the man.

Why than start a war and invite the complete western world on your neck? Invite global sanctions that cut your economy in half and that might never leave? Risk nuclear annihilation over a bunch of Nazi’s ?

Add the Fact that the W.E.F now officially sanctions Russian Oligarchs.

Or is he just a pawn in the bigger scheme of things where innocent civilians worldwide are taken hostage with wars, chaos and fear, so Big Brother can roll out their Lock Step evil Great Reset?

The following proves that Russia is, in fact, Uber-Globalist >>>

Thank you for following Spirit of Crypto



Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto

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