How Social Media Became Cheap Heroine for the Masses

This is what you can do about your screen addiction

Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto


Photo by visuals on Unsplash

Social Media made us more alone and isolated than anything else in our human social history.

There’s simply nothing social about it.

And it created massive addiction. It left a whole generation more anxious and more depressed.

A team of app programmers and psychologists in basements in Silicon Valley managed to get the majority of the world population hooked on screens.

By showing compelling, shocking and traumatizing content. Tailor-made for each user. All over the freakin’ world. From Manila to Amsterdam.

This is how our story of culture, of separation, has been transformed through emerging technology into a worldwide disaster: Massive screen addiction, collective numbing out and the creation of a useless class high on chemical happiness.

Just like Aldous Huxley predicted back in 1953 in his book ‘Brave New World.

This is what to do about it.

How the scheme is set-up

Companies like Meta use harvested data points that you gave away for free.



Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto

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