I’ve been Nominated Best Storyteller on Hackernoon — Vote me up, Scottie

Here’s a story about me in 10 questions

Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto


The author

After five years of crypto writing, I’m harvesting rewards from the internet tree.

It sure has been a journey my friends. From being team member in one of the most promising Crypto startups , ThreeFold, to writing more than 550 blogs on Medium.

Surviving censorship and steadily growing

Its not about me, I know, it’s about the value I bring to you. How I can inform, uplift, teach, amuse, entertain and train your brain.

Full warp ahead”, Hackernoon mailed me. I opened the email, to find that I am nominated for no less than three categories. (click links to vote now)

I read and write Books and I work on climate change, but I definitely am a storyteller.

This category is closest to my heart

Here are answers on 10 questions that show more of me. It's all about my values, my passion and where I see us going. Mostly tech related, of course.

#1.What do you currently…



Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto

For more truth bombs and weekly medicine to start living a more meaningful life, join the happy family back at my Substack https://lucienlecarme.substack.com