Let’s Make Data Sexy Again

This is why we need an autonomous new internet

Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto


Data is boring at the surface. But underneath it is the lifeline of our society. It is the blood connecting all parts of this great organism that is called the Internet. Its oxygen is information, bringing life to our imagination and feeding our hunger for knowing.

Data is also known as the gold for the new technological era. Invest in data, and you will be a rich man. The reason is simple. Everything that can be transformed into zero’s and one’s will become Data. To transport it, store it, move it, calculate it, game it, read it and so on and so forth. Your refrigerator will soon read its content and order new supplies without you having to bother.

The digitalization of our lives will soon accelerate with AI, quantum computing, self driving cars, blockchain technologies and the Internet of Things all around the corner from mainstream adoption.

This brings a fundamental concern and opportunity.

Let’s start positive with the enormous opportunity that lies ahead of us for transforming data in something great, something sexy for all of us.



Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto

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