New World Order for Dummies

Possible answers to questions everybody should be asking right now

Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto


Photo by Chris Yang on Unsplash

Humanity is accelerating towards a new era, pushed by a giant wave of technological innovation. This 4th industrial revolution is already reshaping our societies as everything becomes more digitalized. Data is rapidly becoming the new gold.

We are not that far away from doing our Zoom calls during lockdowns on the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

The basic question for this century is whether technology will support humanity to thrive in a global awakening, bringing regenerative miracles to heal the planet, or will the same tech control us, enslave us, and mould us into obedience to centralized entities that are currently engaged in the biggest power seizure of human history

I believe these 2 scenarios are interconnected. Keywords of this new era are Power, Technology, Fear and Awakening.

What we see happening right now around us, riding on the back of a created health crisis, is the biggest power seizure in human history. Power has shifted to our biggest corporations and an obscured elite that seems to go all-in for its money-power.

38 people are in Government Quarantine in New Zeeland, which means as much as being imprisoned. A pregnant woman got arrested in her…



Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto

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