The light of change

There is a wind of change and it has all to do with money, power and love

Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto


Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

Something that was impossible 10 years ago, is happening right now. Money is slowly shifting away from its sole purpose to make more of itself to billionaires spending half of their wealth on doing good for the earth and fighting inequality. This is causing an enormous uplift and a sense of ‘ it’s happening’ in conscious communities worldwide that meditated for change for the past ten years, separated their waste vigorously and realized already a long time ago that individual people make the change and not the ‘system’. But they didn’t have the money and power to put the action where the mouth is.

Now big entrepreneurs are standing up, combining network, money and vision to let the ‘muscle’ work together with the heart. CEO’s are coming out of sweat lodges and ayahuasca ceremonies with a new inspiration to create business models that resemble natural ecosystems.

Philanthropists team up with philosophers, scientists and entrepreneurs to address society’s most actual problems. Is this a temporary ego fed trend or an actual long-term change of vision coming from a deeper source? I am feeling honoured to experience this first hand. It started with an invitation to an event on a catamaran in the paradise blue waters of Ibiza.



Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto

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