Own Your Data or Be a Slave Forever

They need your data and why you should stop giving it

Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Data is the gold of our future economy.

Just think of it. Facebook lives of your Data, Algorithms love to understand you better than you do yourself. A.I would not exist without a constant metadata feed.

Ever wondered why?

Data is King in our present digital revolution. We didn’t even start with the Internet of Things and your fridge talking to you.

Now scroll back 2 years.

Look at developments from a data harvesting perspective and your world will change.

Covid related Data

Covid deaths in hospitals, billions of tests, same with travel registrations, QR code scanning, and a new experimental M-RNA gene therapy let loose on 80% of the wealthy part of the world.

Should I go on?

The result?

A data wet dream.

Big Data for Big Pharma means more $$$.

Experimental societal behaviour Data

It has been admitted that forcing wearing Facemasks was a social-psychological experiment. Science never told us they worked.



Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto

For more truth bombs and weekly medicine to start living a more meaningful life, join the happy family back at my Substack https://lucienlecarme.substack.com