We Need a Decentralized Uber — Why Isn’t that Taking Off?

These hurdles need to be taken for the creation of any peer to peer business eco-system

Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto


Photo by RYU Wongs on Unsplash

A few months ago #GameStop showed the world the immense power of the network effect.

The group on Reddit, a combination of post cypherpunks and get rich quick dudes, grew silently in the millions, pushing the price of the Gamestop stock to squeeze the short-sellers.

It's the story of people realizing their power when they stand together against, in this case, the big Hedge fund boyz.

It showed us that when enough people, anonymous even, gather around a core value, and the internet connects them, a magical thing can happen. For a shot momentum, the peer to peer power gets so disruptive that the financial establishment shakes.

Something similar happened in 2016 in Austin, Texas. Well, not quite the same, but the following event sparked the same effect in the taxi world.

The city of Austin demanded Uber drivers for fingerprint checks, to increase safety. Uber refused and pulled back out of this U.S Tech Start-Up city and left thousands of drivers on the side of the street, jobless.



Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto

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