Why Storytellers Are As Important As Blockchain Developers In Creating A Better World

A practical tool for how to embrace the new story

Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto


Our culture is made out of shared values. It is the answer to the question of what makes us truly human. This answer has shifted dramatically throughout our history.

After the introduction of modern economics and the magic of money casting its spell over humanity, two main beliefs have started to dominate our reality; The story of lack and separation.

Although money seems to be printed indefinitely, there is not enough of it for everybody. Money comes with interest-bearing debt. This means that always more needs to be made out of it. For a long time, this was no problem since the story of the linear ever-expanding growth of our economy was widely believed and adopted.

We are starting to learn though that infinite growth on a finite planet is simply not possible.

Through our expanding awareness, many of us also start to question the story of separation. It fundamentally doesn’t make us happy and thrive. The money systems make us compete with each other, more for me is less for you.



Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto

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