Why tribalism is making a comeback in our age of technology

what does it take to create your tribe?

Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto


Photo by Sean k.q on Unsplash

We are moving towards a network structured society running on Apps.

Look at yourself for a moment. You probably move in different networks, or circles, connected by technology like social media and Apps. Sometimes meeting in the real, but mostly in virtual.

The gig economy is flourishing while millenniums are soon to be run out by our tech kids that did yoga and meditation courses in kindergarten.

You might have multiple income streams coming from bringing value in those different circles. People start following you because they need what you bring to the table. Are you part of a tribe yet?

Tribalism comes in when clear values hold the group together, is a clear invitation to new members, and urges the need to defend those values.

The paradox is that we are moving back to the old instinct of the tribe while at the same time being served by futuristic technology.

To have a further sneak peek in our future, lets have a look at how tribalism is making its comeback in our age of technology, some examples and what it takes to create your…



Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto

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