You are Cast under an Economic Spell that Forever Inflates your Money

Learn the language of decentralized money like Bitcoin and set yourself free

Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto
2 min readApr 17, 2021


Photo by Rhii Photography on Unsplash

Imagine paradise for a moment.

Innocent naked women and men dancing around a tree in a lush valley full of flowers under a blue sky. Like children.

Suddenly, some dark clouds drift in from the North. A cold breeze enters the sanctuary. The people stop to play.

A beautiful woman stumbles upon a red shiny apple. Hmm, that wasn’t there before, she thinks. In that exact same moment, miles away, a creature bathing in a rich and abundant river finds a golden ring at the bottom.

Touching the ring opens a dark feeling deep inside of him. More clouds gather silently above his head.

Well, you know the story.

You are in the middle of it right now. We all are.

It’s called inflation, debt, working harder and harder while feeling deployed and not reaching prosperity. Let alone abundance. The story has words in it like banks, currencies, interest and debt.

It’s a story we all have bought into. We have learned to speak its language while in fact, it’s a spell. Cast upon us by the old magician: Money itself.

Let me share this tale of the old story of money, and bring forward my vision of the new one.

This is how the story begins>>>

Thank you for following the spirit of crypto
Lucien Lecarme



Lucien Lecarme
Spirit of Crypto

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