Try it…You might need it!

Ken Ritter
Spiritas Services
Published in
3 min readAug 26, 2014


Preparing to compete and flourish in the “new normal” for senior care.

I have a saying that I have shared with others from time to time,
“Don’t buy all of your produce from the same farm. You might just taste something different!”

By that phrase I mean a couple of things. First, it’s a good idea, as my wife often reminds me, to “shop around”. It certainly cannot hurt to look around before purchasing. Such a philosophy and practice can also often help us not to be too impulsive when we shouldn’t be and rather to be patient.

I also mean by that phrase that sometimes it is a good idea to try something different — period. Just because we have always done something in the same fashion or order, or used the same practice, or prepared something the way every time does not mean that we cannot try something different. In fact, something different might not just be good, it might also be quite necessary.

“A new generation of seniors”

The senior care industry is changing rapidly. It’s not our parents’ industry anymore — so to speak. Our industry is changing and we must ask ourselves if we (our communities, facilities and companies) are changing with it, if we are adapting to the needs and wants of a new generation of seniors. Are we prepared for what is now happening in our industry and for what is to come? One can simply study the way marketing is practiced in the senior care industry today compared to just 10 years ago and witness significant method changes. We also simply cannot always operate the way we always have. Doing so can either harm us or at least weaken us, and it may not adequately prepare us for what is to come.

“Baby Boomers are now coming of age”

The first wave of Baby Boomers are now coming of age for our industry and every pundit who has opined on their wants and needs in older age generally states that things will be quite different for we care providers. We have to change, adapt and be prepared if we are to compete and flourish in the “new normal” for senior care. And if we need to know what to expect or how to change we may need to seek advice and assistance. And we shouldn’t hesitate.

Instead of the phrase “Try it, you might like it”, when it comes to senior care both now and in the future a better phrase might be “Try it, you might need it!”

Are you ready?



Ken Ritter
Spiritas Services

~ Motivational Speaker, and President & CEO of Spiritas Senior Services. ~ “Innovative resources for optimizing quality care for older adults”