How to Face Your Demon and Better Yourself

Ahmed Elmeadawy
Spiritual Apex
Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2022
Photo by Mitchell Hollander on Unsplash

Last night from the time of writing this, I had a strong headache. An unforgiving ache that at first thought it deemed trivial as I was outside working and treading in my business. Upon returning home, I found the ache planted even stronger in my head. It was hard and harsh. I wanted to demand why is this happening? For my day was fine and blessed.. But with every thought that crossed my mind, it only worsened my headache…

Until I have realised…

This headache was not a mere ache. It was a calling to something.

The mind is known to often be your ally and your enemy at the same time. But to say that it is alone in its endevour to provide you with the thoughts you need to think is not sufficient — for in every thought there is a desire. A desire to be, and do, and have. The desire may be humaine, but it certainly has its side effects.

Recall the moment where you find your mind wandering far around the good Earth, it gives you images of what you wish to gain, and in exchange, it costs you your time, where you are succumbed into the path of passivity and inaction, merely staring at oblivion as you simply do nothing but dream about the unrealistic “what ifs”, only for the world to bump you down with its harsh attitude.

What sort of man can be aware of this, submit to such a vile fault, yet call himself wise?

With the mind in the habitual phase of making you wander far from reality, you now become impractical, inactive. And so the heart aches for more out rather than be content with what is has now. Being tricked by the mind to look for what will quench its thirst for good emotions, the heart causes Man to lose his active sense, and therefore his ability to do things which matter, which his life, and the lives of those around him, worthwhile.

This all began due from the Man’s lack of self-control, letting his desires overwhelm the mind with its whispers of sweet lies and oaths, only for it to be unveiled with broken words and shattered realities, causing the Man to grow gloomy, even though he should not; feeling in need even though he is not.

Have you ever found yourself daydreaming on scenarios where you are impressing people that you barely know? Or people that you do know but you very well are aware that they care naught about your wellbeing, or rather, for the lack of a better expression, that pay your bills? These scenarios pleasurizes your ego, and therefore the heart. This quickly grows to become a habit for your mind, causing you to act less on what matters for you, and only do what the people will see you do, for the sake of… impresing them. You then, of course, lose your original thoughts in the process.

Hence, you lose yourself.

What kind of a man would let such thoughts bother his mind against his objective on seeking truths, and call himself wise?

“You become what you think about.” — Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secrets.

This raises the question. When the mind falters, is this truly the end? Is this truly part of who you are?


When a season changes, the leaf starts to wither and is reborn. The same goes with our minds. If we are to nurture it with an environment (in this context, our actions) that breeds good thoughts, thoughts that might breed you new ideas, observations, studies, questions, answers to your own philosophies/wonders or someone else’s — your attitude no longer is enslaved to anything or anyone. For that is in there that you find your original voice. The voice that speaks away from the Devil’s voice, the quiet wise voice that yearns to teach, guide, learn, and share. The voice of who you truly are, that seeks to better the Self, in order to better anything else.

What kind of man would see such a reward and not seek it, and believe he will ever become wise?

You tell me.



Ahmed Elmeadawy
Spiritual Apex

Egyptian Film Director & Writer. A storyteller looking for where the world needs change.