Submit Your Story to Spiritual Apex

Ahmed Elmeadawy
Spiritual Apex
Published in
7 min readJun 12, 2020


Photo by Dancing Rain in the Autumn on Unsplash

Spiritual Introduction

Whenever we feel lost and in doubt, we always feel overwhelmed by the possibilities that happen around us in life. But one of the common cures out there that we’re blessed with is that we can write our feelings with words. Even more, when others evaluate the things that happen to them from a day-to-day basis through their personal perspectives, we find it always interesting to read them. But the question is, are we self-aware enough to evaluate things positively in a way that will make us better humans?

This is where we as Muslims come in. Have you ever wondered that whenever you ask “is God going to be happy with me if I do this?” you almost always know the answer? That’s because we all, with all our differences, do actually share quite similar moral compasses. Even if you’re non-Muslim, as a human being, you can also relate to this in more universal terms to God. This is because we’re created as beings with affection and morality, which in itself is a mercy from Him.

Which brings us here, to our Spiritual Apex.

Who We Are

Since the media is doing a “great” job in depicting Islam and Muslims, I think it is right that we, together, as part of the publication, would endeavor to offer a place where readers can find proper information on how…



Ahmed Elmeadawy
Spiritual Apex

Egyptian Film Director & Writer. A storyteller looking for where the world needs change.