Why Everyone Lies

Ahmed Elmeadawy
Spiritual Apex
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2022
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

You face a certain situation where you are faced with two paths: The Path of Truth, a path filled with fear of the other, the unknown, the uncertainty. Then there is the Path of Deceit, a path of avoidance, and even, one could say, peace. But once again, as with many other things, that is a deed that worships the pleasures of the short-term. You often find yourself taking this Path, despite your belief and awareness against such. Why?

Let us skip the pleasantries — It is because it is the easier way. The first thing that comes to your mind when speaking with a person is what is the best way to give them the best picture of yourself that is possible. And often, that sort of thinking is already the first step towards deceit. This self-deceit will root out and grow towards your communication with others. Whereas let us picture the other side, the side of Truth. Where your tongue speaks none but the Truth, your feet and mind follow none but what is True. Not what is true to you. But what is True to everyone. This eye for objectivity, if you were to perservere on following it, would get you away from the common misdeeds amongst even the kindest of men.

Lying is truly one of the most filthy deeds that cause breakups, hate, wars, and all the ugly strings between conscious beings. All for the sake of greed and worldly gains. That is why you should ask; why not take a step towards something tough, yes, tough, and difficult? For every difficult path is a step towards strengthening your Self. It makes you become the worthiest of who you Truly are, one who is capable to stay True in times when all lie. To stay disciplined when all is for pleasure. To stay strong through the hard when all is for the easy, waiting to be welcomed in open arms, only for it to stab the virtuous soul in the back, dirting the purity of one’s true potential. This is why one becomes a, what one may call, a mediocre. A lowly soul who follows his whims and desires, all by the beginning of self-deceit.

So, you wish to stop lying to others? Stop lying to yourself. You wish to stop lying to yourself? Stop lying to others. The string is double-sided. What you do to others always starts from within you. It is your problem, not theirs. Just as what others start to do to you starts within them, which means it is their problem, and not yours. But of course, keep in mind, often good deeds bring about the possibility for even the most corrupted to be redeemed to the light. So why not become one of the Redeemers? One of those who stay true, until one day, someone amongst the deceived would come back to the light of Truth, all thanks to your precedent discovery?



Ahmed Elmeadawy
Spiritual Apex

Egyptian Film Director & Writer. A storyteller looking for where the world needs change.