Awakening Your Natural Voice 4/4; Be willing to be seen and heard.

Chris Hardy
Spiritual Intelligence
3 min readMar 10, 2017

During our three day voice reterat in April 2016 Anthony Johnston taught us a song from a language we didn’t understand.

He’s been working with this particular song for nearly 30 years and he only ever uses it in sacred and transformative work. He himself doesn’t know what the words mean. And that doesn’t matter.

It’s not the words, or the meaning of the words, or the melody, the sounds, the voice or even the song itself, that matter.

What matters is that when you sing it’s YOU that we get an experience of.

Anthony encourages us to forget the words, forget the song. And to focus on getting across our truth, getting across whoever we are in this moment.

My mind grapples, and my judgmentatlity reares itself.

Who am I in this moment right now?

Am I ready to share my inner truth with these people looking at me?

Is it going to be good enough? Will I get it ‘right’?

At one piont during the retreat Antyony stood up with me to sing together infront of the group. I was struggling desperately with my mind refusing to let go of of how I sounded.

Expertly Anthony led me to sing out of tune, then in tune, then out, then all ove the place, then quietly, then loudly and thoughtlessly. There was a magical moment when my thoughts dissolved, I became the song, the sound came out smoothly, naturally and loudly. It was my truth, loud and clear, and it felt great.

All I had to do was allow myself to be seen, allow myself to be heard. The practice is the same in other dimensions of our life. When we make love, when we talk, when we’re with our kids, when we do business, when we coach or teach or share.

The content, the language, the type of song, the tone of skin — these things are superficial, what we want in life is an experience of connection, of contact, of a moment lived to the depths of its truth, fully experienced and relished.

We fear the confrontation, the honest connection. The vulnerability we experience usually shuts us down, we laugh, loose eye contact, freeze up in fear or walk away.

In reality, it turns out that we WANT this kind of deep and honest connection.

We want to be seen and heard more than anything else. And yet we are the first ones to block ourselves, block our authentic expression.

How do you hold yourself back from being seen and heard?

What would be different in your life if you showed up consistently with 100% willingness to be seen and heard to the depths of your being?

Through the apprehension and fear to be our truth lies the key to honest and true connection, and to powerful, meaningful and impactful work.

We’re planning on hosting the next three day Awakening Your Natural Voice workshop in Ibiza on the 15–17 October 2016. If you’re interested or want further information then just get in touch.



Chris Hardy
Spiritual Intelligence

Mostly muddling through. Exploring topics that seem to be good in some way.