Following Your Own Path Requires a Leap of Faith

Unfollow the ordinary path and listen to your inner knowingness.

Charlotte Allison, M.A.
Spiritual Psychology


“Please don’t squash me! I did nothing wrong. All I wanted to do was follow my own path.” — Image on Pixabay.

Remember the Antz movie from the 90’s?

In the movie, one ant named Z strives to come to terms with his own individuality amongst a community that expects all the ants to follow societal rules.

One scene in the movie shows ants being born. As each ant is born, they are assigned a label by the leaders of the community.

Factory worker…secretary…construction worker…and so on…

Whatever label the ants were stamped with at birth is what they were expected to follow throughout life.

Art Imitates Life

It’s often like this in real life. We are expected to follow the ordinary path set out before us dictated by society, church, and family.

You are discouraged from taking risks and following your own path.

If you dare step outside the norm, you are reminded of what a fool you are. You are warned of the dangers that await you out there.

Why take a leap of faith when you can stay safe with an ordinary job, home, and family?

Because being true to yourself is the greatest feeling in…



Charlotte Allison, M.A.
Spiritual Psychology

Master of Arts degree in spiritual psychology. Writing is a tool for healing. When you heal your self, you help to heal the planet as well.