James JordanWhy Do Modern Bible Versions Leave Out ‘Prayer and Fasting?’Matthew 17:21 is listed only as a footnote in the NASB and NIV2d ago12d ago1
James JordanThe Secret to the Calvinism-Arminianism DebateThe solution may be easier than you thinkFeb 32Feb 32
James JordanThere’s Only One Thing We Have Control OverWe can’t control what happens in the world, but here is what we can do about itJan 311Jan 311
James JordanTweaking the Idea of Original SinWhat does it mean that we inherit a sin nature?Jan 194Jan 194
James JordanIs God With Us, or Are We With GodKnowing the difference can change how you see the worldJan 17Jan 17
James JordanHow The Bible Was WrittenThey didn’t have laptops, grammar, and spellcheck, 2000 years agoJan 141Jan 141