4 Wonderful Habits That Can Help You Unlock Your Spiritual Potential

Khyati Jain
Spiritual Secrets
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2020


Meditation is not included.

Photo by Francesca Zama from Pexels

Spirituality is the lifestyle that you choose to live, it consists of practices that you adopt to enrich your life, the fundamentals by which you live your life.

Everyone is spiritual in their own way, your values represent your spirituality. Spirituality is different for everyone, it is the practice that you follow to make this world a better place, and you improve your consciousness in the process.

Spirituality is not a religion, every religion has a set of rules that you will need to follow to be a practitioner but there are no guidelines for spirituality. You are free to experiment in your spiritual journey and adopt the practices that you like the most.

Science too believes in experimenting, every law should be proved by an experiment for it to be true. Spirituality is alike in that sense, everyone should experiment and see what works for them.

You define your own spirituality, anything that makes you a better person is your form of spirituality.

Here are some of the practices that I have adopted over the years to practice my spirituality.

Practice Gratitude



Khyati Jain
Spiritual Secrets

10x Top Writer| Certified Yoga Trainer| I write about health, fitness, lifestyle, and more. Open to writing gigs. Contact:- khyatijainwrites01@gmail.com