7 Honest Steps to Gain People’s Appreciation and Create a Better Society

Beautiful and Useful Advice from Orthodox Spirituality

Roxana Anton
Spiritual Secrets


In today’s world full of the new Coronavirus variants, it might be sometimes difficult to find love and appreciation, to give it, and to receive it from others.

We are more stressed, more scared of what might happen to us, to our dear ones, to our relatives, and our friends in the future.

So, how do we make other people love us or like us in Covid times?

How do we replace anger and guilt feelings with harmony and love?

Here are 7 steps from Orthodox wisdom, to give you some practical tips.

1. Smile

“Smile though your heart is aking

Smile even though it’s braking

When there are clouds in the sky

You’ll get by

If you smile”

Nat King Cole was right, in his wonderful cult song “Smile”, that for me has become the Lockdown lait-motive.

Smile always, it’s totally free.

If you go somewhere where people are working hard and you sense they are very stressed, try to open your heart.



Roxana Anton
Spiritual Secrets

I love Spirituality, Poetry, Movies. Poet, Author, Translator, Thinker.