A Poem

Sunday Snuggle

Heaven on Earth

Julie Farray Roick
Spiritual Secrets
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2023


Photo by Paula Campos on Unsplash

I recently read
the human experience
here on earth
is the only form of heaven that matters

Heaven is on Earth

Not everyone buys it
Behaving now for that ethereal ticket
But I am all in
I not only believe it

I coach it

Sunday mornings
The one morning sans plans
is my perfect opportunity
to practice what I coach

Full presence

However usually in the quiet as he sleeps
I jump out of bed and
Do seemingly more important things
A hater of wasting time

I cash in

Sipping on a homemade latte
Writing Reading
Working out

Kind of like what I do every day

But this time
This Sunday in a hotel
I stayed in bed
to experience Heaven

And I did

Snuggled in
Legs intertwined
Nakedness times two
The hairs on his chest tickling my face

He snores

But not with every breath I notice
Hot flashes come and go
The smell of day-before Old Spice
My left shoulder scrunched

Arm falling asleep

His heartbeat
Or is that mine?
Is he dreaming?
He doesn’t know what he is missing

I realize what I’ve been missing

Perfectly uncomfortable in his yumminess
He is so deeply at peace
and I realize all of those
mornings I jumped out of bed

to do something seemingly more important

I was missing out on
Earthly Heaven
staying in the un-comfort
for a while

Taking everything in

The Why
The How
The Who
The We

With each breath





Julie Farray Roick
Spiritual Secrets

I’m deeply introverted and muse about life’s experiences. Visit my website for my latest coaching offerings. www.julieroick.com