Be Motivated By Love

In this time of duality and division, there is a choice of being that honors all sides

Damian Sebouhian
Spiritual Secrets
4 min readJul 23, 2021


Being right will not save you.

Being right will not save us.

Only love will save you.

Only love will save us.

If you are primarily motivated by being on the side that is right, then you are lost.

If you are primarily motivated to love all beings, then there is hope for evolution.

If we collectively are primarily motivated by being on the side that is right, then we are lost. (For a while, anyway.)

If we collectively are primarily motivated by loving all beings then evolution is instantaneous.

Evolution is inevitable anyway.

But, in the dimension of linear time, some will evolve sooner than others.

Those that are motivated by loving all beings will evolve sooner than those that are currently motivated by being on the side that is right.

Eventually, those who are primarily motivated by being on the side that is right will realize that their side is wrong, not intellectually wrong necessarily, but wrong because they are primarily motivated by being on the side that is right; wrong, because they are believing in the primacy of sides.

They are stuck in a dualistic mindset of right and wrong.

We, as human beings on this planet, are meant to evolve beyond dualities.

Towards the Isness of Being.

Otherwise known as Oneness.

But the collective mind in the current culture of the world is playing out the duality paradigm to its natural conclusion.

It seems to be stretching to its limits and thus, is dividing the entire world into two polar extremes.

The right and the wrong.

We are being tested by the temptation to fully embody one or the other.

So, what is the Right Side, and what is the Wrong Side?

Good question.

If you are a supporter of Position A, you are almost entirely committed to that position, doubtless that that is the correct position to take, to be in, to represent, to embody. Those in this position know that they are right and are equally certain that those representing Side B are wrong.

The people that are taking Position B are just as committed to their position as the people representing Position A. Those in Position B know that they are right and are equally certain that those representing Side A are wrong.

Representatives of both sides are being tested, for it doesn’t matter if you are siding with position A or with Position B; if you are not motivated to love all beings then you will be tempted to hate the beings you have deemed as wrong. Which is the same as hating yourself.

That doesn’t mean you can’t represent a position. After all, a choice has to be made. You either do what you are being told to do by the powers that be, or you do not do what you are being told to do by the powers that be.

The test is to make that choice without demonizing or dehumanizing those who make the opposite choice as you.

If someone asks you your position, and if you are motivated by love, you might say “this is what I believe, this is what I think, this is what I feel…but those beliefs, thoughts, and feelings don’t keep me from loving all beings, whatever ‘side’ they take on any position.”

If representatives of your position are requiring that you look upon representatives of the other side as less than human, or wrong and therefore not worthy of love and, rather, worthy of punishment, then you are stuck in the duality mindset. And you will continue to be stuck in the duality mindset until you wake up.

We’re being tempted to righteously side with the obvious.

“It’s so obvious, I don’t understand why they can’t see how obvious it is. What’s wrong with those people?”

Representatives of both sides are feeling this way about the other. At least that’s what is being expressed.

On the news, it’s extreme. It’s obvious what side the corporate, mainstream media is taking, as well as most of the governments of the world, at least the ones we’re being told about by the corporate, mainstream media.

But again, it’s a temptation. The temptation to think in a dualistic manner in a way that we’ve never conceived of in my lifetime. There’s nothing in my lifetime, or in the recent history of humankind (that I’m aware of) that’s been this plainly and universally divisive.

Even during the world wars, there were people, entire countries, that did not choose a side. There were those — multi-national corporations, banks, and other business interests — that took both sides.

But today, in 2021, It seems they have found a way to erase any wiggle room. It is simply Side A, or Side B. Everyone must choose.

This is the power of the Great Temptation of duality.

But this power is illusory and dissolves when we collectively say “People are not right or wrong.”

“People are unique expressions of the One Consciousness.

When one is hurt, we are all hurt.

When one is lifted we all rise.

Receive Love

Transmit Love

All beings included.”



Damian Sebouhian
Spiritual Secrets

I write Muse Exclusives on topics ranging from metaphysics, meditation, tarot, mythology, poetry, art, humor, and other adventures.