
Every Morning My Friend Sends Me a Quote

A quote from Mother Teresa, to be exact

Amy Jasek
Spiritual Secrets
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2021


35mm film | photo by author

“The world is changed by your example, not your opinion.”
— Saint Teresa of Calcutta

Not being divine,
I can’t think a single thing
into existence
All the force of my opinion and will
won’t make my house a dust mite cleaner
No matter how much I profess
the unseemliness of crumbs
left to languish under furniture,
not a single one will move by itself
The crumbs don’t care how I feel
The cat might, but she also
has her own concerns to tend,
constantly at work to keep her fur
spick and span, free from grit,
because she solemnly believes
that cleanliness is the way to go

A friend of mine texts me a quote every morning from Saint Teresa of Calcutta, drawn from a book she was given for Christmas. Normally, they make me smile or think for a minute, but this one hit me with full force.

I would like to put this on a billboard in every city, or make it a popup on every social media site; I am weary from being bombarded by opinions. . . . of which, I suppose, this poem is one, but here I am publishing it anyway. Thank you for taking a moment to read it! I hope the quote will stay with you; keep it in your pocket, I bet it will spring to action at just the right time. Thank you, Darshak Rana, for giving my words a place at Spiritual Secrets.

