Finding Love Inside

You Bring Me, Joy (Spiritual Secrets Weekly Prompt)

Sharon Brandon (Readywriter59)
Spiritual Secrets


Photo by the Author

Who I am is me
I am who I am meant to be
Now lest you misunderstand
It took time to find out who I am
I tried being everything to everyone else
Until I realized I needed to be myself
It had been so long — I didn’t know who that was
I had to do some digging
I had to do some sifting
I even had to do some lifting
Until finally…I found me
I was a mere reflection of my former self
But I was happy to see there was some of me left
I began the journey to regroup
Five long years is what it took
Five years before I began to feel like me
The me I am and am meant to be
I made a promise to myself
I will always be me and no one else
No longer will I hide the real person that I am
I will no longer dim my light
I’ll just carry around shades for others
No longer will I smother
If my light is too bright
Take these shades and know everything will be alright
See, I am me — the me I am meant to be

I look in the mirror and I like what I see
There is laughter in the eyes where tears used to be
I accept who I am — the me I am meant to be

