How to Heal your Past Lives with Reiki

Ten steps to free ourselves and move forward

Anya Light
Spiritual Secrets
6 min readDec 13, 2020


Photo by Alina Vilchenko from Pexels

After what seemed like the millionth billionth tear, a deep remembrance flashed. It was like a diamond, obliterating the darkness.

This man, this beautiful man — he was my husband in a past life. He had killed himself then. And I had killed myself, too. We had both gone crazy.

Suddenly, the confusion cleared.

I realized why our breakups never stuck — why, despite the fact that we were clearly mismatched as a couple, we had been drawn back together, again and again, and again. Unfinished business.

I realized why such unusual fears were triggered by our conversations.

I realized why I felt like a pathetic, needy, insecure toddler in his presence.

Yup, there was stuff. Lots of stuff.

And it was time to clear it.

Breathe. We’ve All Been Here Before

I’ve been here, to planet Earth, many many times. And so have you. And so has everyone.

It’s not a big deal, really. The idea only seems fantastical at first due to normative cultural conditioning that has suppressed our ancient wisdom since we were children.

The time is now to remember!

Yes, we’ve had many previous incarnations: some happy, some sad. Some light-filled, some quite bleak.

Some of us have been benevolent priests, some of us numbed-out Nazi soldiers. Some of us homeless, some of us unbelievably rich. Others of us have been mothers and fathers and brothers and lovers who’ve held vigil at the death beds of those we’ve loved. We’ve made intense promises.

Some of these past life imprints are uplifting to our souls, while others carry heavy trauma.

At a certain stage in the soul’s evolution, we realize we have a choice:

We can release the chains of the past. We can free ourselves. We can evolve.

In my own journey, healing the trauma of past lifetimes with the help of Reiki has been an immeasurably valuable tool. It’s fast-tracked my evolution as a soul.

I feel lighter, clearer, and more confident about my mission here as a healer and lightworker on planet Earth.

You can do this, too.

Still, Reading? Let’s Celebrate!

As you begin to wonder whether you’ve indeed had past lives, as you begin to curiously explore this domain, a whole new dimension of consciousness becomes available to you.

This is a powerful moment!

Not everyone reaches this level of awareness.

What an amazing, blessed life you lead!

Even if you decide not to pursue the healing work I will describe shortly, simply acknowledging the possibility of past lives is a huge step on the spiritual path.

Dear friend, I invite you to pause now, take a breath in this moment, and celebrate how far you’ve come!

Give yourself a warm, appreciative hug.

This lifetime is indeed quite special. You’re courageously gaining access to advanced realms of wisdom that are beyond the purview of most. (If evolving the soul was easy, everyone would be the Buddha.)

After you’ve taken some time to appreciate yourself, the question then arises: Okay, how can Reiki help me heal?

Make This Process Uniquely Yours

I invite all Reiki practitioners to use the following method, regardless of their level of training or expertise.

The most important thing is to be playful with the process. Stay curious, experiment, and make this method your own.

In other words, use my steps as a jumping-off point. No need for dogma! If some of what I describe below does not resonate with you, that’s totally fine — tweak it so that this process sings to your soul.

Okay, ready?

Let’s go!!!

You can do this!!!

The Ten Simple Steps

Step One:

Take a few minutes to create a sacred space for your healing session.

Clear away clutter, vacuum the floor, light a candle, burn incense, play uplifting music, etc.

By spending time to create a clean, sacred space for your exterior, you’re inviting the Universe to match that high-vibrational outer space with a high-vibrational inner space.

By crafting a sacred space, you lay the groundwork for Magic.

Step Two:

Recline on a couch or bed. Snuggle in your favorite pajamas and comforting blanket. You want to make sure that your body feels as soft and relaxed as possible.

Step Three:

If you have Reiki spirit guides, call them in now. (If not, no worries. Proceed to step four.)

Step Four:

State your intention aloud. Tell the Universe (God/Source/whatever name you want to call it) that you are ready to heal your past life wounding.

If you remember the specific situation or lifetime that you’re wishing to heal, give yourself permission to gently see, sense, or feel that memory at this time.

Important note: You do NOT need to mentally remember what those specific wounds are. Some of us simply have a vague sense that something awful happened in a past life. It’s not necessary to have the memory: simply set the intention to heal.

Step Five:

If you are attuned to Level Two Reiki, draw and chant the third symbol (DKM).

If you are not yet attuned to this level, that’s perfectly okay: simply say “I am now traveling through time and space, with the power of Reiki energy, in order to heal my past life wounds. And let it be so.”

Step Six:

Let the energy flow. Allow the energy to penetrate your heart chakra.

Step Seven:

Allow any images, impressions, feelings or sensations to arise. Allow your body to move if it wants to move.

Sometimes bits of dialogue may flash through your mind (unfinished conversations from that previous lifetime). Allow yourself to talk to that person/people. If tears want to come, let them come. The tears may be associated with an image or thought, but sometimes not — you might just get the inexplicable urge to cry.

Allow yourself to cry, shake, moan, twitch, laugh, or even fall asleep. Allow whatever needs to happen to happen.

Please note: It’s normal for a past life healing session to get rather intense! For example, in a recent session of mine, after drawing DKM and allowing the Reiki into my heart, I spontaneously began to sob and moan and say “I’m sorry I couldn’t save you, I’m sorry I couldn’t save you, I’m sorry I couldn’t save you…” over and over and over again. (I was speaking to the soul of my former husband who had committed suicide.) I allowed myself to repeat those words until I felt calm and relaxed.

Soul communications can happen through words, but they can also happen through sensations, images, smells, sounds, and many other ways. Be open to however the healing presents itself to you.

Step Eight:

Continue channeling the Reiki energy until you feel a release. Your body will feel lighter. It will feel as if a cloud that has covered your mind has suddenly cleared.

Step Nine:

If you have Reiki guides, thank them. Close the session by bringing your palms in prayer position in front of your third eye. Thank the Universe for gifting you with the tool of Reiki.

Step Ten:

Be gentle with yourself for the rest of the day. Take a nap or bath, and do your favorite self-care practices. Avoid noisy public spaces and hectic environments. Drink more water than usual. Follow my other protocols for Reiki aftercare.

Standing Tall in the Radiant Light

As you practice Reiki to heal past lives, be patient with yourself. It may take a number of sessions to resolve a particularly sticky soul imprint. Traumas take time to heal.

You might want to start a Reiki Journal, space where you reflect on your milestones and deep learnings over time.

Indeed, the beauty of linear clock-time is that we get a chance to appreciate the journey of becoming. We are always in progress.

We get to marvel, every step of the way.

Always remember to appreciate yourself as you do this work. (If this stuff was easy, everyone would be doing it!)

Stand tall in your beautiful role as a way-shower of a new version of humanity.

You are setting the stage for others to join you.

You are the light.



Anya Light
Spiritual Secrets

PhD. Author and Reiki teacher. Co-creating a world of sacred wisdom and radiant wellness. Learn with me at