“I” is One, God, the Universe

The Whole is contained in all of its parts

Shirley Willett
Spiritual Secrets
Feb 20, 2021


Drawn by Shirley Willett from her poetry book, “Do You See What I See?”

God is a crystal –
with infinite faces.

Believers see One –
or a changing oasis,

Some facets reflect –
an inner pure Light;

Very few, the whole crystal –
contained in their height.

Peripherally I see many;
but, only one can be;
that’s a mirror –

a reflection — of ME.

Thank you Darshak Rana, for your prompt on “I” and “me”.



Shirley Willett
Spiritual Secrets

Book: “Past, Present, Future: Fashion Memoir, 70 Years, Design, Engineering, Education, Manufacturing & Technology” shirley@shirleywillett.com